Important Notice for All Earth Medicine Festival Attendees

As we gather to celebrate the wonders of nature and connect deeply with the Earth and each other, we kindly remind all participants that the Earth Medicine Festival is a No Pets Allowed event. Our shared space is sacred, and the safety and well-being of all beings—human and animal alike—are our top priorities.

Why No Pets? The vibrant energy and large crowds of the festival, combined with the intense heat of our beautiful Arizona location, create an environment that is not suitable for pets. For the comfort, safety, and well-being of all festival-goers, we ask that you leave your furry friends at home where they can be safe and comfortable.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: In line with Arizona Law (A.R.S. § 13-2910), leaving an animal unattended and confined in a motor vehicle can result in physical injury or death to the animal and is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor. Our policy also extends beyond legal requirements to encompass a commitment to ethical responsibility and respect for all life forms.

AZ Law on Service Dogs & Emotional Support Animals:

Enforcement: Please be aware that leaving pets or children in cars, even temporarily, is dangerous and against festival policy and state law. Peace officers and animal control agents can intervene if an animal is in danger.

We understand that your pets are part of your family, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring their safety and the success of our gathering. Let’s come together to create a memorable and harmonious experience for everyone, rooted in respect for all beings and the Earth we are here to honor.

Thank you for your understanding and compliance. We look forward to sharing this powerful journey with you.

Warmest regards,

The Earth Medicine Festival Team

For More Information on the Arizona Law…Click Here

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